The Marine Satellite Data Online Analysis Platform (named “SatCO2”) is a free distribution software developed to provide convenient access and efficient utilization of marine satellite remote sensing data, and further promote the application of such data. Based on SatCO2, online users can access efficient computation and 3D sphere visualization for massive remote sensing, in-situ, and model simulation datasets. Moreover, users can conduct interactive analyses between remote sensing and in-situ data.
SatCO2 will continue to release updated versions of the software. The platform not only serves the scientific research community and marine monitoring staff, but also hopes to establish an online community, including users, demand providers, product verifiers, algorithm contributors, dataset contributors, and thematic application module developers. With an increasing number of users, SatCO2 will benefit contributors through co-authorship, citations, and acknowledgment by the users.


Marine Satellite Data Online Analysis Platform
Version 1.03 (2021/05)
Download page