Mixed Layer Thickness/Depth (MLT)
上传时间:2019-05-22 14:10:07 浏览次数:作者与来源:admin
The sea-air flux change process and the wind-wave agitation make the ocean near surface produce a water layer with a certain thickness and a uniform temperature, which is called the ocean mixing layer. (Zhang Xu, 2012)
Unit: m
Resolution: 0.25 degree, Daily
Duration: January 1, 1993 - December 31,2015
Version: -
Original daily mean products are shown, and all the daily data in a month are averaged to get the monthly data.
These products have been generated from the Mercator Ocean GLORYS2V4 reanalysis data provided by CMEMS. The reanalysis system is based on the version 3.1 of NEMO ocean model and the data assimilation method relies on a reduced order Kalman filter based on the SEEK formulation. MLT value are calculated by Three-dimensional temperature and salt data obtained from the reanalysis system.
Known issues:
A 3D-VAR bias correction method has been implemented to correct large-scale temperature and salinity biases when enough observations are present.
Zhang Xu, Zhang Yonggang, Zhang Xuejian, et al. The effect of ocean mixed-layer structure on acoustic propagation in a surface duct environment. ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA, 2012, 34(1):79-89.

All the contents of this page are quoted from Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service. All project documentation and related publications can be found at website:
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